A forage based ADGA registered herd (goats) with a few sheep with the goal of suitability for a forage based homesteader and profitability for a small scale commercial producer.
In dairy goats, I’m seeking a sound, long lived doe who meets breed standard and excels in production, with preference for the ability for multiple year lactations. She should be capable of functioning on pasture based management instead of a dairy dry lot. Polled genetics will be encouraged.
In dairy sheep, I will be looking for a sound ewe with sufficient build and genetic growth rate to put out marketable lambs, and seeking to improve udder structure and length of lactation. Polled genetics are the norm.
My herd is hornless, be it disbudded or polled. I will sell horned stock, but only to experienced buyers and I need a nonrefundable deposit and the kid MUST leave by a month old or sooner.
Breeding stock kids are tattooed. I do not dock lamb tails. Kids and ewe lambs are bottle raised.
The herd is CAE/CL and Johnees free. I am completely holistic... AKA I use herbal and conventional as needed. Mastitis, for example, is typically treated with both simultaneously. I do not vaccinate.
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 5
Parasite Protocol: First line of defense is prevention. I use a high quality cattle mineral. Hay is fed in feeders that exclude feet or bodies from fouling the hay. Waters are kept at a distance from lounging areas, reducing the occurrence of contamination. Pasture is rotated. Typically, unless something like giardia is encountered, the herd is dewormed on average once a year, based on FAMACHA scores and body condition, usually with double or triple dose ivermectin. Coccidiosis is treated with a spice blend normally, with Sustain III for backup and weaned kids.
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations