We raise sheep (for meat, but we’ve also milked some and we have bloodlines from a sheep dairy), meat and dairy goats along with turkeys, Muscovy ducks, chickens and guineas on as natural a diet and in as natural a way as our small acreage allows with an eye toward self-sufficiency.
We practice intensive rotational grazing when pasture is available and dry lot whenever pasture is insufficient. Animals have access to a mineral buffet with about 20 different mineral options (from FreeChoiceMinerals). Dairy goats do get grain on the milking stand and we do supplement older or harder working animals as needed. Sheep and meat goats are grain free.
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 3
Parasite Protocol: We go years at a time without worming anything all year. If an animal doesn't seem to be thriving, we do check famacha and we treat accordingly, first with EO's or herbal dewormers, then if that doesn't rectify the problem, we will usually do a fecal before reaching for at least two families is anthelmintics. It's pretty unusual that parasites don't respond to the EO's and/or herbals though. We have a growing number of home bred animals that have never had a conventional anthelmintic in their lifetime.
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations