Mini LaMancha cross doelings and bucklings, katahdin hair sheep.
No vax, herbal remedies, grazing/browsing primarily, organic grains/supplementary feed, fed unsprayed hay, no “icides” used on the property.
We pen our goats up at night on a dry lot with free choice hay, and we turn them out during the day to either 2 acres of pasture with our sheep, or we rotate them around our 18 acres of ozark woodland. We bring in unsprayed hay for them, organic alfalfa pellets, and when they're on the stand being milked, we use organic grains and seeds.
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 1
Parasite Protocol: We use herbal formulas from various small businesses to worm our goats. We grow oregano, wormwood, garlic, comfrey, and pumpkins to feed the goats regularly to help them handle their parasite load.
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations