Here at Green Gables, we strive to raise high quality MiniNubian dairy goats that are hardy & thrive on minimal management. Good producers with high butterfat that are easy to milk by hand is essential to us. Conformation that will hold up well into old age and do well in the show ring is also important. We enjoy having a wide variety of colors and patterns, but that is just the icing on the cake.
Good minerals has made a huge difference in our herd. I never felt right about copper blousing and BoSe injections as 'normal' healthcare. Since using MRX, & Craftsmin (or Dairy Balancer), our herd health has skyrocketed.
We feed minimal whole, organic grains (2 part barley, 2 parts oats to 1 part corn) to milking does on the milk stand. Otherwise, no one else gets grain unless they are struggling to maintain weight (like occasionally bucks in rut).
We feed unsprayed alfalfa/grass mix hay free choice, & pasture/browse when it is in season here in WI.
We provide ACV in their water.
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 2
Parasite Protocol: A good mineral program with pasture rotation and monthly essential oils has done wonders for parasite management here. We very rarely need to treat beyond this and even less frequently need to use a chemical wormer, but we will resort to those if we feel it is needed (sometimes the herbal treatments need more time & effort than we have available for a critical situation).
Kids get herbal wormer and GI soother in their milk once a week and whenever it is rainy.
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations