We are a small family farm located in sunny Lakeland, Florida. We strive to breed high quality Nigerian Dwarf goats that excel in conformational correctness and in the milk pail. We also breed for ease of hand milking, ease of kidding, and friendly temperaments. We thoroughly believe in a holistic way of life with our family as well as our animals.
Our goal is to raise our goats as close to nature as we can. We allow our doe’s to dam raise their kids as we feel this is the way that nature intended. Our goats are offered a mineral buffet, natural remedies to any ailments and have never had an antibiotic (aside from oil of oregano!) or vaccination.
While we are not completely grain free, we feed mainly alfalfa pellets on the milk stand as well as a small amount of senior horse feed. We prefer senior horse feed to goat feed as goat feed contains very high amounts of corn. Senior textured horse feed is mostly oats and grain with beet pulp and molasses and has very similar requirements in terms of phosphorus/calcium ratios and protein/fat. The molasses sweetens the milk and the feed offers extra calories to keep our goats in good shape as well as keep their milk production high. High amounts of corn can cause acidosis in goats and is just no bueno! We also add black oil sunflower seeds to their milking rations!
In addition to their feed and hay, we cut oak branches on a weekly basis for our goats. We currently have 4 dams in milk, 2 sires that are in a separate paddock, and 9 kids!
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 2
Parasite Protocol: We check fecals twice a year, if needed we will give Parasite blend by Land of Havilah. In rare cases of Cocci, we give oil of oregano for treatment.
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations