We are small homestead in the beautiful Ozark Mountains of SW MO focused on raising quality heritage animals for both ourselves and other like-minded families. We have been homesteading with holistic practices in mind for about 10 yrs… this lifestyle has served us and our animals well.
Our current focus is our performance dairy goats (ADGA and AGS registered Nigerian Dwarfs) and raising smaller animals like quail and rabbits for “suburban” homesteaders. I am blessed to have the opportunity to stay home full time which gives me the ability to observe and connect with each of my animals allowing me to provide the best care I can for their individual needs.
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 3
Parasite Protocol: We focus on proactive and preventive measures when it comes to parasites on our homestead which include rotational browsing in heavily wooded areas, correct mineral intake, lespedeza hay (high tannins for coccidia and parasite control) and regular famacha and body condition checks. If any concern, then we check fecals and start with natural deworming methods (essential oils and/ or LOH herbs). If an animal presents with a fatal parasite load, we will use chemical deworming and follow up with herbal gut health support.
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations