Toby Way Farm

Wholesome - Simple - Honest





Farm Management

Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 3

Parasite Protocol:
We offer herbal worm preventative (blends from Land of Havilah or Fir Meadows) and blend BioWorma (fungal spore) into our feeds during heavy parasite months (generally April through July, and again in September and October). We run random fecal tests monthly to gage parasite trends within the herd. Does are fecal tested weekly following kidding, and kids are tested weekly between 4 weeks and 2 months of age. Chemical dewormers are only used on individual goats when outward symptoms are present (light FAMACHA, coat degradation, loose stool) AND a fecal count shows a spike in parasites.

Vaccination Protocols: Partial Vaccinations