The name of our home, Toby Way Farm, is our way of keeping our favorite pup a big part of our dream. Toby’s Way was to take things slow, stop and make new friends along the way, greet the world with a smile that showed from his nose to his tail, sit in the sun on the first warm day of spring and look for the shade in the heat of summer, romp in the snow with reckless abandon, and love with everything he had. Our hope, as we work to build our home, is that we are creating a space where others can come and enjoy a quiet view, find something sweet to eat, and join us in doing things the Toby Way.
When it comes to actually running a small farm we all like to say we do things the “right way”, but that means something different to everyone. For us, the right way means happy, healthy livestock that are treated like pets and loved like family. It means purchasing or bartering for the supplies we need from local suppliers and farmers as much as possible. We are members of our local Farm Bureau, support our Coshocton County 4H programs and the County Fair, and we get creative when it comes to incorporating the local community into our piece of this world. We only use simple and wholesome ingredients in our baked goods and fruit jams. This includes organic flour, cane sugar, and fresh local produce when possible. We feed our critters good food and keep things as natural as we can. Our gardens are tended but not perfect. They’re productive but not overworked. Nature knows best – we’re just here to help. We believe Wholesome is a goal, Simple is a virtue, and Honest is a promise. We hope when you visit us, you’ll feel the same. ~Brian & Becky Frame
We dam raise our goats as we feel this gives them the best start at healthy growth. We believe this practice paired with herbal boosters for gut health and a nutritionally specific diet gives our kids stronger immune systems leading to less need for chemical intervention for parasite control.
Animal waste ultimately ends up in our gardens, reducing the need for additional fertilizer. We keep our gardens thick with mulch and compost to remove the need for tilling as we believe this keeps our soil healthier. Excess food is given to our goats, chickens, and pigs to reduce our dependance on purchased feed. We believe in building sustainable practices a little at a time to ensure the practices can be followed and passed on to other like-minded farmers.
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 3
Parasite Protocol: We offer herbal worm preventative (blends from Land of Havilah or Fir Meadows) and blend BioWorma (fungal spore) into our feeds during heavy parasite months (generally April through July, and again in September and October). We run random fecal tests monthly to gage parasite trends within the herd. Does are fecal tested weekly following kidding, and kids are tested weekly between 4 weeks and 2 months of age. Chemical dewormers are only used on individual goats when outward symptoms are present (light FAMACHA, coat degradation, loose stool) AND a fecal count shows a spike in parasites.
Vaccination Protocols: Partial Vaccinations