We are a first-generation family farmstead whose focus is solely based in nature and holistic wellness for both our family and our animals. Strong natural immunity is our top priority.
We raise Myotonic AKA Tennessee Meat Goats AKA Fainting Goats, but have oddball milkers and crosses as well. Much of our herd is registered, however we are still on the fence about continuing with the databases. At the moment, all surplus stock goes unregistered.
In addition to goats, we also focus heavily on Muscovy (similar to ducks, different species). We’ve raised all of our Muscovy for 5 straight generations. Our birds are free-ranged and rotated within our permaculture as needed.
We run Akbash/Anatolian and Anatolian/Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs with our goats and poultry. They are excellent and mild tempered, gentle with humans, children, goat kids and small birds. We do *not* vaccinate, but instead use homeopathic remedies and nosodes, and focus on strengthening immune systems from the start.
We are an off-grid permaculture farmstead, and the farm is managed by myself and our homeschooled children, so ease of management is absolutely vital for all of our stock, meaning, "if i can do this, you can do this 😉." We value quality and excellence, keep the best and cull the rest. Nothing i wouldn't buy, myself, leaves our farm. We don't have a lot of surplus going out, these days, but what we do offer, is certainly of excellence and well-loved!
Herbal (1)-Conventional (10) 1-10 Scale: 3
Parasite Protocol: We run our goat herd on browse majority of the year, aside from winter and kidding, so parasites typically are not a problem, here. We prefer to use pine trees cut from our property, or black walnut hulls and/or tinctures harvested/prepared here by us, whenever we observe an uptick in their interest in the pine available to them in the silvopasture. I grow and harvest a ton of oregano for all of our Livestock, and use it dried over food, or tincture as necessary. Add pumpkins as seasonally available!
Unfortunately there has been a very wet season we've needed to bring out the chemicals, but this is abnormal for us. It's the absolute last resort, and I cried when I had to "go there!"
Our livestock dogs have never needed more than black walnut tincture in a tub of water! Our Muscovy have never needed treatment, and we've not lost a single bird to illness in our entire 5 years of hatching and raising them!
Vaccination Protocols: No Vaccinations